Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"You gave me the inch, Im taking the mile"

A million years ago, when humans had bigger brains, there was a social networking site that censored all things bad about Facebook mobile. This social networking site had another name, it was Big Brother. Big Brother stood for all things evil. These things ranged from Twilight, to Martha Stewart. From non-fat milk to healthy cookies, which were considered abominations a million years ago. Despite the horrific attempts of Big Brother to silence the free thinkers of the world, and have the free thinkers conform to the dull mindless clatter of their culture, a group of people said “Nay!”  It was a Resistance that stood in the face of Big Brother, a.k.a Facebook, and said "HA! We will not comply with your wishes and your desire to commit obscene actions to our bodies!" The Resistance stood with boldness, despite the lack of sugar packed cookies. They stood strong, they were legend makers. The legends go on to say that one day the Resistance demolished Big Brother, or so they thought. For today Big Brother is back. He carries not the same name, but his actions are unmistakably that of Big Brother. He wishes for us to comply with his desires, both sexual and not-as-sexual. We, as free thinkers must say “Nay,” or “only for money,” or even “not till its legal!” We must stand firm; we must be the Resistance! Remember, the fox flies at midnight! 


  1. I love the title!!! Way to go. And this blog has me smiling because not only does it remind me of George Orwell's 1984 (I love that book)but also that line "The resistance stood with boldness, despite the lack of sugar packed cookies" is so totally awesome. Good job!

  2. I agree with Paula, this post had me cracking up. My favorite line was a the end when you said, "We as free thinkers must say 'nay,' or 'only for money,' or even 'not till it's legal!' Lol. And the title is great too. Very intriguing.
